Why I’m grateful this week

This past week has been a bit of a whirlwind.  Between our household recovering from the flu, trying to keep informed about the Coronavirus without overreacting, and preparing for Spring, we’ve been staying busy.

Despite the frenzied feeling I’ve felt throughout this week, I’ve found plenty to be thankful for. I like to note them as I go along each day so that when I’m feeling less than spectacular, I can look back and see all the beauty in my days. Below are the top five reasons I am grateful this week.

Five reasons I’m grateful this week:

  • Our family doctors – As soon as we saw MC feverish with the flu, we called them and they quickly called in the meds. They patiently answered every little question we had. When her fever was fluctuating and then spiked at 104.3, they calmed me down by giving me some good common sense steps to help bring it back down.
  • Evidence of MC’s growing French vocabulary – She continues to sprinkle French words here and there into our conversations, mostly taking a word and repeating it in context in her response to me.
  • Finding what we needed at the grocery store – Store shelves are pretty wiped, but we were fortunate to find the few items we needed to stock up just in case. An added bonus, a serendipitous parking lot reunion with one of the families we met through ballet.
  • A healthy inventory of seeds to plant in the butterfly garden, and the promise of Spring for us to begin planting  soon– we just made an inventory of the seeds that were given to us by various friends – milkweed, thai hibiscus, wildflowers, river lilies, morning glory, and asclepias.  We are taking stock of seeds for our butterfly garden and vegetable garden and beginning to plot planting ideas now that it seems spring is here to stay. 
  • New additions to my virtual village – I’ve really been trying to reach out and find resources for all parts of my life from healing and grieving to being a stay at home mom to raising MC.  Below is a small list of what I’ve been reading and listening to this week. They have provided a resource, inspiration, or renewed vigor to try again.

What I’m reading:

What Research Says is the Best Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule for Kids {and moms too!}

Over at the Thoughtful Mom she has an informative post and a freebie schedule to download for creating the best stay at home schedule to help balance everyone’s needs.  Although my intention this year was to take a year off and stay at home, between taking on temporary opportunities and then our France trip, I have not had a chance to find what works best for Mon Cœur and me at home.   

Reading this post reminded me to strive for balance, find ways to involve MC in chores and activities when possible, and to prioritize and let go of things.  Taking the free download and considering my priorities for the week, I am going to try to create a schedule that works for us.

Letters from Esther

I always enjoy seeing Esther’s letter in my mailbox – she always has topics to consider in a fascinating new way.  This month she discusses Self-Love.  Her story of a missed flight and how she reacts -“You made a mistake. It happens. Now what?” – compels me to wonder…is this a switch we can make in our mindset now or is this a gift that comes with age, maturity, and experience?  

She provides her readers with questions to consider, by “turning the lens on you.”  I will continue to ponder her post for awhile, trying to find answers to her questions that will help me grow.

Storytime Online

Jbrary’s Storytime Online is such a timely collection of resources.  We have missed story time at our local library for a while now between traveling and sickness.  

It is one of MC’s favorite things to do in the week – it combines her love to socialize and her love of reading and singing.  Although it seems there won’t be much socializing anytime soon, with the resources provided in Jbrary’s most recent post, we can bring storytime to us at home.

What I especially love is that there are some websites listed that provide resources in other languages. 

Social Distancing Could Change Our Relationship with FaceTime

The Atlantic’s story discusses the perks of technology in these social distancing times…I’ve had a hard time grasping this, as we are social people and to isolate ourselves can really wear on one’s well-being. This article discusses how people are already the challenge of physical social distancing with virtual gatherings.

What I’m listening to:

Infant Toddler Toolbox: Nov 26, 2019 episode on Sharing

Alaina and Jen discuss the topic of toddlers and sharing.  Sometimes MC likes to share, other times she absolutely refuses.  These women discuss what are appropriate expectations for toddlers and sharing. They also provide tips for best practices to help toddlers develop ways to communicate and problem solve themselves, including taking turns instead of sharing.

Motherbirth: storytelling as healing for trauma

Mellisa  hosts the Motherbirth podcast and although I had added it to my list months ago, I only just listened to this episode this week.  She brought up a lot of salient points for any mother who has had a traumatic birth experience, even if there is no loss involved.  They discuss the importance of storytelling, finding a community, and what it means to trust again. 

What have you read or listened to this week that has inspired you?

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